
Helpful guides and examples to make life easier.

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Guide to Downloading Data from AWS

For setting up your AWS infrastructure go to run

Downloading with Cyberduck

  1. Download the version of CyberDuck appropriate for your browser.
  2. Make sure that you have an AWS access key. If you are unable to follow the steps below, feel free to contact Zi and she will make you one:

    • Navigate to the AWS site. Search for “IAM”.
    • Press “Users.”
    • Click on your own username
    • Go to the “Security credentials” tab
    • Create a new access key
  3. In Cyberduck, open a new connection. Select AmazonS3.
  4. Enter your access credentials.
  5. Congratulations! You can now transfer files between your computer and S3 via the CyberDuck interface.

Command Line Interface

We have an extensive .R code which downloads data automatically into your system. Find the template repository here.

AWS has good documentation on how to use their interface to connect to s3.

aws s3 cp s3://task-data-raw/NAME-OF-THE-FOLDER/ . --recursive

This code will copy all the files to your local library.